Reolink Announces Duo 3 PoE Availability

News home security smart camera

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Reolink has announced the launch of its new Duo 3 PoE camera, a surveillance device that offers a 16 megapixel ultra high definition imaging capability. This camera captures images with around 16 million pixels per frame, which results in high-resolution pictures that reveal minute details in both expansive outdoor environments and intricate indoor settings.

A notable innovation within the Duo 3 PoE is the integration of Reolink’s Dual-Image Stitching Algorithm. This technology merges images from two lenses to generate a true 180-degree panoramic view. This function allows for broader surveillance coverage without the necessity for manual camera adjustments, making it particularly beneficial for monitoring vast areas.

Another feature introduced in the Duo 3 PoE is the Motion Track. This feature overlays the movement paths of objects over a period onto a single image. By doing so, it provides a visual summary of the movement with associated timestamps, which can be valuable for tracking the activity of people or vehicles over time.

For additional information on the Duo 3 PoE and other Reolink products, please visit Reolink’s website here.

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