Dry Water Announces Smart Shower Head

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Dry Water Inc announced their new Power Shower today, the first smart showerhead. This is great for the eco conscious looking to save water, or for the homeowner looking to add more convenience into their lives.

The Power Shower comes in two different finishes, chrome and matte black. It has Wi-Fi connectivity to connect into your smart home and work with Amazon Alexa or Google Home. Priced at $150, this shower brings a bit of luxury at a bargain price.

The Power Shower has some really great convenience features like voice activation through Alexa or Google Home. This lets you turn on the shower with a command so that it can warm up to your desired temperature for you. The Power Shower app allows you to track shower duration, water temperature, and water saving achievements. The app works with both iPhone and Android devices.

The Power Shower also has LiDAR, allowing it to sense motion. Simply wave your hand under the shower for it to automatically turn on. These sensors can also automatically tell if you are still in the shower or not, helping to save water.

There are no batteries to replace with the Power Shower. It has a hydroelectric turbine in it that automatically charges it’s internal batteries. And installing it is a snap for anyone who has ever replaced a shower head before. A little bit of plumbers tape and a wrench and you are all done. This also makes this a great addition to a rental home, just be sure to swap the old shower head back in before you move!

To find out more about Dry Water Inc and the Power Shower, check out their website here.

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