Why I Upgraded to a Smart Sprinkler Controller ( and You Should Too! )

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Ever found yourself staring at your soggy lawn, or worse – dead lawn, wondering if there’s a better way to manage your sprinkler system without having to adjust it every season? I’ve been there, and let me tell you, it was not fun. But everything changed when I switched to the Rachio smart sprinkler controller. Thanks to a sweet deal from my water company, I made the leap—and what a difference it has made! In this post, I’ll share my journey from manual mess to smart sprinkling, and why you might want to consider making the upgrade too. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or prefer to call in the pros, I’ve got some insights that might just make your day (and save your lawn)!

Why I Upgraded to a Smart Sprinkler Controller (and You Should Too)

Switching to a smart sprinkler controller like the Rachio isn’t just about upgrading your tech – it’s about making maintaining your yard easier while also saving some money. These devices adjust watering based on local weather forecasts, ensuring your garden gets exactly what it needs, exactly when it needs it. Say goodbye to the days of over or under-watering! Plus, with easy-to-use apps, you can control your sprinklers from anywhere, anytime. With lower water bills and a happier, healthier garden, a smart sprinkler controller is a savvy choice for anyone looking to save time, money, and the environment.

The Benefits of Smart Sprinkler Controllers

So, I mentioned having a soggy lawn at the start of this post, and that was me. My grass was downright soggy. It was so bad that I could barely mow my grass because my yard would just turn into mud. Or worse was that time when I forgot to bump up the water use in summer so my grass all died. I was left with a very dry, dusty backyard. Then when I tried to re-seed the grass, I had to figure out how to manually reprogram my sprinkler controller to go off often enough to keep my baby grass damp until it sprouted.

If this pain sounds familiar, then I have good news for you. My smart sprinkler controller fixed all of this, and they can do the same for you.

Smart sprinkler controllers are also excellent at saving money. This wasn’t something that crossed my mind when I purchased mine, I was just done with my plants dying or my grass being soggy. That said, I have noticed that I am saving money with the smart sprinkler controller where I would have forgotten to adjust the watering schedule manually.

An even bigger savings was the cost of the unit itself. My water company had a rebate system setup for folks who purchased a smart sprinkler controller. Qualified purchases were eligible for reimbursement of the cost of a new unit ( granted, you had to pay for or do the install yourself ). However, getting a new sprinkler controller for free was a big savings here.

Installation and Setup

Installation of my new smart sprinkler controller was fairly straightforward. The documentation was really well done, with lots of descriptions and good pictures. I did call in an electrician to consult on removing the old system since it was hardwired directly into my main fuse box ( I had opinions on this ). But other than that, installation was a snap. Literally, since my unit had snap-in spots for the sprinkler valve wires. Power is also straightforward since this new unit just plugs into an electrical socket. For those feeling more handy, you can hard-wire the unit in. Just don’t attach it straight to a main fuse please.

Setup was also really straightforward. I downloaded the device’s app, hooked the new unit up to my guest wifi for smart home devices, and followed along with the app’s setup. It asked some questions about what types of sprinkler systems I have, what my dirt was like, and where I was located. That was it. I was ready to stop having soggy grass or dead plants.

In Summary

My switch to a smart sprinkler controller has been a game-changer for my yard. Not only has it brought my lawn back to life, but it has also simplified my life, reduced my water bills, and helped me do my part for the environment. Whether you’re tired of dealing with a soggy yard or just looking to upgrade your home technology, a smart sprinkler controller might just be the smartest investment you can make. With the ease of installation and the support of many water companies’ rebate programs, there’s never been a better time to make the switch. Take control of your watering the smart way, and enjoy a lush, green garden without any of the hassle.

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